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Monday, May 28, 2012


Memorial Day Weekend is the traditional kick off for summer, with millions of Americans hitting the highways for their favorite destination, or, perhaps the celebration of this National Holiday is done at home with family & friends, where a backyard BBQ is the focus of their weekend. No matter how, or where people spend this Memorial Day, we all should be thankful for the sacrifice of our past and present military veterans, who in so many cases, paid the ultimate price in service to their country.

This marine, on his own time, stood for hours yesterday, saluting the hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists, who paraded from the Pentagon to downtown Washington D.C. The annual "Rolling Thunder" is a tribute to fallen Vets, and draws attention to the plight of our current military, particularly those wounded warriors who must endure the physical, and mental pain of traumatic, war related injuries. The political and cultural discussion notwithstanding, it's my belief that Memorial Day should be a moment in time, when every American is on the same page, and the honoring of our fallen military heroes is something that is not in dispute.

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