About mid day, I reported in at work, and learned a little more about what to expect for work in the coming few weeks. At the end of the month, all the drivers will be bidding on the their work shifts and routes, and that's when I'll know what my schedule and days off are going to be. This year, I'll have a little more seniority than last summer, when I was pretty close to the bottom of the list.
The medical clinic at the South Rim Village.
The first order of business was a trip to the medical clinic for the required drug test. I could get into a long diatribe about drug testing, especially when some organizations like the ACLU, and a few activist judges think that drug testing of some groups like welfare recipients, is an unreasonable search and seizure under the 4th amendment. But, I won't, sufficing to say that if you don't have anything to hide, what's the big deal?
After leaving the clinic, I stopped at the library, renewing the card for another year. At Park Headquarters, I picked up the vehicle access sticker, then stopped at the General Store, before heading back to the motor home. The last order of business was the preparation of a batch of stew, before retiring to the recliner for some reading and TV. Today, I just might have to take my first peek at this big hole in the ground called the Grand Canyon.
This is "Sami's Road", that now has an overlay of gravel, rather than just dirt, like last year.
It looks like you have a nice spot. Looking forward to reading about your summer at the canyon.