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Sunday, May 27, 2012


Grand Canyon Railway #4960 parked at the Grand Canyon on May 16th. This is the engine that will most likely be the motive power for the Grand Canyon Train on September 15th, 2012.

Last September, the Family Motor Coach Ass'n (FMCA) Golden Spike Chapter had a rally in Carson City, NV, and we rode the new Virginia & Truckee Railroad. Patty and I, along with help from Bill & "D" Hall, put the rally together, and we had 13 RV's attend. The Golden Spikers had tentatively planned to have a rally in southwestern Colorado this September, and we were looking forward to riding on a couple of tourist railroads in that area. In fact, we were hoping to leave our jobs here at the canyon in early September, and leisurely make our way over to Colorado for the rally.

Knowing that this Colorado rally wasn't locked in stone, I emailed our chapter president, Tom Westerfield to inquire about the progress on the Colorado rally. As a back up, I offered to put together a rally in Williams, AZ, where the Grand Canyon Railway is based. With only a preliminary inquiry to the railroad, I sent some basic information to Tom & Barbara, detailing a rough outline of a potential rally, with the Grand Canyon Railroad as the star attraction. I just received an email back from Tom & Barb, and it looks like the Colorado rally has been postponed until 2013. So, for now at least, it appears that I'll be putting my RV rally planning hat back on, and start putting together all things necessary for a get together with our railroad buddies. Barbara Westerfield is putting out our chapter newsletter in a week or so, and some of the preliminary details for this September rally will be included. The dates, and early details are as follows:

When: September 13, 14, 15

Where: Williams, AZ - Grand Canyon Railroad RV Park

What: FMCA Golden Spike RV Rally, & ride to the South Rim on the Grand Canyon Railroad

Who: All Golden Spike members & guests.


  1. YAY!!! I'm so excited. Sign me up!! If you need help with anything, let me know. I'll be there at least the two weeks before.

  2. Thanks Dan, I think this will be a successful rally in terms of time and place........Tom
