The setting sun over the canyon rim at Hermits Rest.
One of the incredible unpaid benefits of this job, is the scenery that I get paid to look at almost every day. When driving the Red Route on Hermits Road, the canyon is in full view for most of the 8 miles out to Hermits Rest. I took these pictures yesterday from the drivers seat, at or near the sunset time of 7:38 pm.

The westbound bus stop at Powell Point offers one of the best canyon views from the drivers seat, and as the sun moves throughout the day, the shadows create a different view almost every time we stop there. When people ask where the best stop is, my answer is usually that they are all good, each is just a little bit, or a lot different. Secretly, this is one of my favorite views of the canyon.

Today is my one day off in a row, due to yesterday being an overtime day. With lots of laundry to do, and some other errands and chores to take care of, it will be a busy day. Even though I don't usually do naps, I see one coming in the very near future. The little Beagle has gotten into a routine where the sunrise signals it's time to wake up the dog feeder/walker. With the front paws up on the side of the bed, and a little whimper or two, it's next to impossible for the morning slumber to continue. Do they make sleeping pills for dogs?
Just prior to departure from Hermits Rest yesterday evening.
If the answer to that question is yes, please let me know. No whimpering, just outright barking. "Throw the ball" .. "throw the ball" !!! at 5:30 a.m. Beautiful sunset!!!! Hermits Rest by bicycle is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteWish I was there taking in the view. You have the best of two worlds getting to work and enjoying the scenery while you do it. Never boring.
ReplyDeleteI think the answer is ear plugs for the dog walker/ feeders.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the dog. I lucked out and got a neighbor to petsit for me at I prepare to work some graveyards at the World Series of Poker here in Vegas the next few weeks. Whew!
ReplyDeletejust seeing this now or might have stopped by to introduce myself :) Like far too many folks I am a so-called lurker - dont recall when/how I found you but while researching the full time Rv lifestyle I cam across your site - have enjoyed following your travels
Anyway, on March 12 I began my own fulltime journey..and...just left the Grand Canyon after 12 days - extended my stay at 10 X Campground twice! - photographed and hiked all over for 12 days - may have even been on your bus :)
amazing "office" you have there ! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. will post to the blog asap about the visit
even spoke to a few drivers about the eventual need to workkamp in order to be able to stay on the road - as a TX resident had to get a class B drivers license so joked that I was a truck/bus driver in training :)
all the best at GC this season