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Saturday, March 24, 2012


End of day 3/21. Consumption

End of day 3/21. Generated

I've taken the meter readings for the last 3 days, and to say that I'm pleased with our new residential solar electrical generating system would be the classic understatement. The entire experience with Esmay Electric, from the initial sales process with Mike, to the interaction with owner Greg Esmay, to the flawless installation by the two man Esmay crew, has been a totally positive process. My conversations with the city building inspector, and with the Unisource (utility Co.) inspector, reinforced my decision to go with Esmay, out of several other choices for residential solar systems. Both inspectors had nothing but good things to say about Esmay, and without naming names, they said there are other solar companies that don't deserve to be mentioned in the same conversation with Esmay. Whether you believe that I totally did my homework, or just lucked into a great company, is something that I'll let you decide. The bottom line is that I will highly recommend Esmay Electric to anyone thinking about having a solar system installed on the roof of their home.

End of day 3/22. Consumption

End of day 3/22. Generated

The series of meter photos show 3 full days of both energy consumption by us, and the amount of energy generated by our solar system. The difference in kilowatt hours at the end of the day, represents the number of excess kilowatt hours that we have sent to Unisource. In other words, the difference is the number of kilowatt hours that has been placed in our so called electric bank account. As long as the the REC. hours (kilowatts sent to unisource) is greater than the DEL hours (kilowatts consumed by us), then we have a credit, and a ZERO energy bill.

End of day 3/23. Consumption

End of day 3/23. Generated

At the end of the first day of meter readings (3/21), we had generated 10 more kilowatt hours than we consumed. At the end of the second day of readings (3/22), our electric bank account was up to 22 kilowatt hours, and by the end of the third day (3/23), our credits were up to 30 kilowatt hours. So, for the last 3 days, our system has been generating approx. 10 more kilowatt hours per day than we have been consuming. Before I start jumping up and down with total excitement, our air conditioning and heating system have not run during these last 3 days. When the heat sets in before we leave, I have no doubt that running the A/C will probably balance the consumption and generation a little more evenly. There are also those cloudy days when the system doesn't operate at full efficiency. So, I'll only jump up a little bit, and exclaim that this adult toy is really very cool! The prospect of no electric bill for like ever, is pretty darn exciting! Now, if only I could come up with a way to eliminate those charges at the pump for gasoline and diesel.

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