When we picked up Bob & Diana yesterday, we discovered their unique way of leaving the dogs when they're gone. They put Boo (white) and Buddy (black) in the garage, with the rear hatch of their car open. The dogs are perfectly happy inside the car while Bob & Diana are gone, and it's their way to secure the kids, rather than leave them in the house, or outside in the back yard.

After cruising through the channel, and under the London Bridge, we headed west across the lake to the Casino at Havasu Landing for lunch. The restaurant is small, but what a great view of the lake, and the city sitting on the eastern shore. We had to wait for a table, and the food was slow coming, however, the sandwiches and burgers were not bad. Thanks Bob & Diana for picking up the tab.
Havasu Landing is part of the Chemeuwavi Native American Reservation, located on the CA side of Lake Havasu.
The para-sailing boat was testing the chute with a weight, then later, we saw these two girls being pulled around the lake.

After lunch, we rode down to Copper Canyon, where there's always something going on. Another party was getting cranked up, and as usual, there were the steady stream of kids climbing up, and jumping off the 40 foot high rock.

With one more cruise through the channel, we headed back to the marina, and parked the boat. We only have a few more days before it will be time to pull the boat out of the water, and put it in the backyard for awhile. One week from today, we'll be picking up our Granddaughter Laila, and taking her in the motor home to the San Diego area for a week. Then, after we return, it will only be a few more weeks before Patty will be taking her trip to Paris, and I'll be heading for the Grand Canyon. Lots of happenings coming up!
Speaking of up, do you think that the back of bikini bottoms can get much higher?
More channel action.
I think someone forgot to look in the mirror over their shoulder when they bought this suit!!!!! LOL