At least once a year, and more than once during most years, the motor home gets a complete wax job. I'm not talking about any spray on, wipe off wax. This is the real deal, where you rub it on, let it dry, then wipe it all off. I've been a fan of Mequiars products for a long time, and have always been happy with the results.

When you add up all of the square feet on the outside of a 40' motor home, you'll probably come up with about 1,000. That's a lot of rubbing, not to mention how many times you have to go up and down the ladder. It's quite a job, and I usually work at it for a few hours over the course of several days. Yesterday afternoon, I finished with this project, and always feel good when it's done. In just a few weeks, our house on wheels will be parked at the Grand Canyon for the summer, and short of a cover, or garage, a good coat of wax is the best protection against the summer sun.

Last week, I waxed both the jeep and the pickup, so now, I don't have to worry about any of the vehicles for quite a few months. Today, the boat is coming out of the water, and when I get it back to the house, there will quite a bit of cleanup involved. I think that I'm about waxed out however, so, most likely after it gets cleaned up, the boat cover will go on, and that will be about it.

On a different note, I spoke with Nancy on the phone yesterday, and it seems that she' having one helluva time getting her new motor home registered in CA. I won't go into the details, but her blog
Kissack Adventures chronicles the misadventures with that most wonderful of public agencies - The California DMV. Hang in there girl, perseverance will eventually pay off!
I have yet another appointment with DMV at 2:30. We'll see what happens this time!! I'm thinking a class in waxing MY RV is in order!!!!