The inception of Travel By Chance, goes back to March of 2009. That's when I decided that an online journal would be a great way for our kids, and close friends to keep up with our travels & adventures. We were only a few weeks away from a 5 month, 12,000 mile loop around the U.S. and Canada, and chronicling that journey with a blog seemed like a good idea.
It's now 3 years later, and my morning routine of writing about something, not necessarily a travel adventure, has taken on a life of its own. Often, I have to get a bit creative, and my post topics have a wide range, from the not so politically correct subjects, to the latest and greatest in the RV world.
When I discovered that it was possible for the blog to be made into a book through
Blog2Print, I didn't hesitate to have that first year of electronic posts made into a traditional, hardcover book. Each subsequent year, I've done the same, and the book for 2011 just arrived.

As the frequency of my posts have increased, so has the thickness of each book, and it's subsequent cost. I have 4 books printed each year. One for us, and one for each of our 3 boys. The last two books for 2009 & 2010 have been held until Christmas, but I think this year, we'll distribute the new books fairly quickly. In fact, we're taking the one for Marc & Chandra with us, when we leave for Tucson tomorrow morning.

The permanence of our blog in a hardcover book format is undeniable, and when we're long gone, a small window into our lives will exist for many generations to come.
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