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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


One last view of our desert parking spot, as we pack everything up, and pull out of Quartzsite this morning. These last 5 days have been both busy, and relaxing. We've managed to browse through most of the flea markets, the RV Show, and had a couple of slide awning toppers replaced. We made it back to the motor home every afternoon, and soaked up some of the desert sunshine, either reading or sitting around the campfire. We ran into two more friends yesterday in the big tent, Bill and Dee Hall from Fresno, who are part of our Golden Spike Chapter of FMCA, and who were at the rally with us in Indio. As they say, "it's a small world".

As I previously mentioned, we're heading for Tucson today, and will probably be there a week or so. Marc and Laila were flying back from Monterey, CA last night, and Chandra is staying while her mom is still in the hospital. We're keeping our fingers crossed that Eloise (Chandra's mom) gets better, and can return to some sort of normal life.

We took advantage of our last day in Quartzsite, and returned to the big tent one more time, just to make sure there wasn't something we missed. At mid day, the lines at the food vendors was lengthy, and I was glad I didn't have much of an appetite. However, the food odors, particularly the BBQ smell, was almost enough to make me hungry.

One vendor that never needs to worry about economic conditions is the ice cream booth. This year, there were 6 windows, each with a line of people waiting to get his or her favorite flavor.
The seating was limited, as everyone seemed to be focused on making what they were holding in their hands, disappear.

Generally, the RV crowd is older, mostly retired folks, who have the time to travel to places like Quartzsite. When we got our first motor home, we were in our 40's, and didn't really fit the demographic associated with RV'ers. I guess now that we're in our 60's, you might say that we fit that profile pretty well. Whatever the case, young or old, RV'ers tend to be some of the nicest folks you ever want to meet.

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