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Thursday, January 27, 2011


On his way to work, Marc stopped by the fairgrounds, leaving Laila with Grandma & Grandpa for the day. The first order of business for Miss Laila was a request for the "cat toy", and then the games began. Gracie is still a young cat, and tireless when someone will drag around a toy for her to chase. So it went, until the pancakes were on the table. Then after breakfast, we loaded up in the truck for the drive over to the house.

While we were leaving Quartzsite, I went over a bump a little too fast, and both of the pocket doors in the motor home came off the overhead track, or so I thought. The plan was to have Grandma stay with Laila, while I returned to the fairgrounds to fix the doors. When I removed the doors, I discovered that several of the screws holding the horizontal tracks had come out, allowing the track to drop, along with the doors. Normally, this would have been an easy fix. Replace the screws with a larger size, and re-secure the track. Well, that worked until I tried to reach inside the pocket where the open door is hidden. The pocket is so narrow, that my arm wouldn't fit very far inside, so I wasn't able to secure the track that is farthest inside. Even though I have a good assortment of tools in the motor home, nothing I have would do the trick. The end result was both doors are back up, and more secure than before, but not as secure as I would like. Anybody out there with real long, strong, skinny arms?

When Marc got off work, we had dinner at the house, and made arrangements to pick up Laila from pre-school today. She's in school Tues and Thurs, from 9-2, and will start Kindergarten this summer. Seems like only yesterday when she was born, and I held her in my forearm and one hand. We are so thankful to have a happy, healthy grandchild, who has great parents, and lives in a loving home.

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