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Saturday, January 29, 2011


The Reid Park Zoo in Tucson is one of the nicer ones that Patty and I have visited over the years, and it was the place that Laila wanted to visit yesterday. It was another beautiful day in the southwest, with quite a few people having the same idea that we did about a visit to the zoo. The parking lot was almost full, when we arrived at about 10am.

We spent the next 4 hours or so walking around, and watching the different animals in their habitats. Notice that I didn't say cages. Even though this zoo is relatively small, the city has done a nice job creating animal enclosures that are big enough, providing for a more natural environment.

As you might expect, it doesn't take long for a 5 year old to tire of watching one animal, and want to move on to the next exhibit. She did have her favorites however, one being the anteater. When I thought we had seen everything, I was quickly informed that we somehow missed the Zebra's. Laila was right, we had indeed passed by the Zebra enclosure, so back we went for a few minutes of seeing what the Zebra's were up to.

We left the zoo, and drove over to the adjacent playground for a an hour of climbing, sliding, and playing on the 3 large playground structures. As we arrived, Laila informed us that she wasn't going to slide down the tall tube slide, but by the end of the hour, she was all over the tall slides.

When Marc got off work, he and Laila went home for an hour or so, then returned for dinner.
Laila spent the night with us, and the plan is for Chandra to be on a plane this morning at 6am, and back home in Tucson by noon. If everything goes according to the plan, we'll be on the road back to Lake Havasu tomorrow morning.

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