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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Chandra returned to Tucson yesterday, after spending a couple of weeks in CA with her mom, who is still hospitalized. Her flight got her home around noon, and she and Marc then drove over to the fairgrounds. Laila had spent the night with us, so everyone was happy to be reunited. After visiting for awhile, Marc, Chandra, & Laila went home for a couple of hours, before we met them at the house, and then drove out to the Vail Steakhouse for dinner. We had a nice dinner, saying our goodbyes, until we return to Tucson in a couple of weeks to work the Tucson Rodeo.

This morning, we'll point the motor home west, and drive back to Lake Havasu. It's a little over 300 miles from Tucson to Lake Havasu, so if we get a mid morning start, we'll get home in the mid to late afternoon. Patty has an appointment on Feb 1, to have her eyes evaluated for possible cataract surgery, so she needs to start that process with this first visit.

We're glad we were able to help Marc while Chandra was in CA, assisting with her mom, and sincerely hope that Eloise is able to return to her home in the near future. Thank goodness one of the benefits of Marc's employment with Sky West, is the benefit of air travel for the family. With Chandra's Dad's recent passing, and her mom's illness, she, Marc & Laila have been burning up the air miles between Tucson and Monterey.

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