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Sunday, January 2, 2011


I'm sometimes amazed, at what creatures of habit we all are, some more than others. Having our Grand Daughter Laila spend the last week with us here in Lake Havasu, has been both rewarding, and at the same time, pulled us both away from our normal routines. Not that a big change was a bad thing. Conversely, learning to interact, and share the joy of a 5 year old, has been both a pleasant experience, and a little challenging at times. In the end, when the week came to a close today, we were both relieved, but sad to see our little girl leave with her Dad in Uncle Marty's airplane.
We will probably next see Marc, Chandra and Laila in February, when we head back to Tucson, to work the Tucson Rodeo. In the meantime, the month of January will be filled with several activities, that will first take us to the Family Motor Coach Ass'n Rally in Indio, starting on Jan 12th. From there, we'll come back to Lake Havasu for a few days, then off to Quartzsite, and a week or so of camping in the desert. We usually get down to the Yuma area in January, for a visit across the border and annual optical and dental appointments. But, I think for the next couple of days, we'll enjoy getting back to our routines, like watching the TV news instead of Sponge Bob.

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