After the old Monaco Corporation filed bankruptcy last year, the company was purchased by Navistar, a multinational conglomerate, who makes International Trucks, and a lot of other things. The new RV Company is now called Monaco LLC, and we are now parked at their much smaller service center in Coburg, OR. Without going into a lot of detail, the main purpose for this visit is that each one of our 4 slides had something that needed to be corrected. The motor home was in the shop all day yesterday, and corrective action was finished on 3 of the 4 slideouts. The good news is that our Extended Warranty is picking up the tab for 2, due to broken parts. We're on our own for the other 2, which can best be described as "wear & tear".

The previous service center in Harrisburg, OR was much larger, with room for about 40 motor homes to park, and dozens of technicians. The service center here in Coburg has parking for 15 RV's, with 7 techs currently employed. Unfortunately, while working on our largest slide, (the one with the refrigerator), a jack slipped, causing damage to the exterior, lower right on the slideout. The picture shows the damage repaired, and today, it goes over to the paint shop for the finishing touches. As they say "do do happens", I just wish that the do do had happened to someone else.

Also today, our king size bed pedestal has to be dismantled so that the rollers can be changed, and some metal placed on top of the plywood. It seems that over time, the rollers started eating into the plywood (genius design), and without a fix, the rollers will continue tearing up the wood. This is the biggest job of the 4, and naturally, the one that we have to pay for. We have an appointment across the street at Cummins, tomorrow morning, so, I'm hoping everything including the new paint, gets done today.
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