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Thursday, September 23, 2010


From Ely, NV, we drove south on Hwy 93, then east on Hwy 319, crossing into Utah, and skirting Zion National Park to the south. Eventually, we crossed over the Glen Canyon Dam Bridge, and stopped for the night in Page, AZ. The picture below, (click to enlarge), shows the upstream side of the dam, and the bridge over the Colorado River. Our journey for the day was probably the longest of the summer at 376 miles. Our first stop in Page was at the Page-Lake Powell RV Park, where even though there were numerous, visible open spaces, I was told that they were "full", except for tent spaces. My reply was that I didn't think we would fit into a tent space, and what about all of the empty spaces? There were 3 people behind the counter, and it seemed that it was more important for them to ignore my question, than to try and answer it. After a few seconds, I overheard one person say to the other - "she'll get mad if we put anymore up there". I asked again - "so are you full or not"? The answer again came back that they were full. At that point, and with that attitude, I wouldn't have taken a space for free, even if they had offered. We drove over to the Wal-Mart SuperCenter, and parked with a bunch of other RV's.
Earlier in the drive, we crossed from Utah into the northern reaches of Mojave County, AZ at Colorado City. This part of Mojave County (same county as Lake Havasu), is geographically isolated by the Grand Canyon, and it takes many hours to drive here from the county seat in Kingman. This community has been unofficially know as the Bigamy capitol of the U.S. and is occupied almost exclusively by a spin off from the Mormon Church. These fundamentalists of the Latter Day Saints believe in multiple wives, and until recently, were pretty much left alone. A few years ago, their leader, a guy named Warren Jeffs was arrested and convicted of forcing under age girls into marriage. His high publicity case blew the lid off the secrecy surrounding this town, and now, Mojave County has a much higher presence with law enforcement, prosecutors, and counseling.
I missed the opportunity for a picture of a sign we saw as we were leaving Ely, yesterday morning. It said "ANYBODY BUTT HARRY REID". This sign was huge, and I was tempted to go back and take a picture. I hope the sign is prophetic, and the people of Nevada send a message to D.C. that big government, unlimited spending, and burdening future generations with massive debt, is just simply unacceptable.

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