The small town of Sisters, OR is located on Hwy 20, about 18 miles northwest of Bend. We have driven through Sisters on several occasions, and have vowed to stop "one of these days". Well, yesterday was that day, as we picked the weekend of a Native American Crafts Festival, located in town at the city park. There were quite a few vendors with a lot of neat stuff, but except for a couple of Tee Pees, the Native American theme was a little less than dominant. We found a couple of things we couldn't live without, and enjoyed the nice day, and festive atmosphere.

The local musicians were having a good ole time, and the crowd seemed to be enjoying what they were playing. We got into a conversation with one of the vendors who was talking about moving to Arizona. He said that he loved living just north of Redmond, but the long winters were starting to take their toll, and he was looking for a little warmer climate. We sort of told him to be careful what he wished for, as the Arizona summers were way beyond "a little warmer". When we were seriously looking to buy a summer property, just a few days ago, we often overlooked the fact that we already have a summer property. It's called a motor home, and it takes us to the cooler climates during the hot Arizona summers.

This gentleman had just created FIRE, by the age old method of rubbing, or spinning a stick onto another piece of wood, and this little girl was fascinated when the kindling burst into flames.

One more thrift store in the train bank. No day adventure would be complete without a stop at the local used everything store. In this case, it was the habitat for humanity who benefited from the sale of donated items. We seldom buy anything at these stores, but as the old saying goes,
"one mans junk is another mans treasure". I have found a few books that at least keep me interested enough, to continue looking in these stores of cast away stuff. I think the train bank is now almost full, and Patty is forever obligated to ride any tourist train that I happen to find, for the rest of her days!
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