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Saturday, September 11, 2010


We pulled into the Mill Casino RV Park in the Coos Bay, Oregon area, yesterday afternoon. After getting settled, we met Dan & Karen in the Casino, and had dinner with them at the Buffet, one of several restaurants that Dan oversees as the Executive Chef. It was seafood night, and everything from the Clam Chowder, to the Prime Rib was really, really good! Now, if the food had been not so good, I'm sure I wouldn't have said as much, since we were being treated by the guy who is in charge of all things related to food at the Mill Casino. For years, I have been on a quest to find Clam Chowder as good as the Willow Restaurant in Jamestown, CA, and until last night, had not even come close. I can now say that I have finally found an equal, if not better! After the delicious meal, Dan gave us a tour of the kitchen(s), the banquet facilities, and other back scene areas of the Casino. We stopped by the motor home, so Karen & Dan could meet Gracie for the first time, then we headed over to their house, where Karen presented me with several family photos, that her mom (my Aunt Martha), had found with help from my cousin Diane.
The first picture is one of my Mom and Dad, with me, at about 5 weeks old. I only have a handful of photos, with both my Mom and Dad together, and these are indeed, treasured pictures. It, along with the next picture of my Mom and me, were taken in Fresno, CA, in late November, or early December, 1946. It was just one week later, after these two pictures were taken, that both Willa Jean and Daniel Chance were killed in an automobile accident, in Fresno. Karen told me last night, that I was being babysat by her Mom, (my Aunt Martha), and our Grandmother Alice. She said that her Mom will never forget the knock on the door, when a friend of my parents informed them that "Billie" and "Danny" were killed, not too far from the house. It's hard to imagine what the impact of that moment must have been on my Grandmother, and my Aunt. These obviously, are memories that I don't have, other than hearing them from friends and relatives.
These school pictures were taken at about the same age, of me and my boys. Marc, on the right,
is a year or two younger.
This picture was taken at Stockton, CA. in 1985, at Grandma Alice's 90th birthday party. Mike, on the left, is pretty close to starting his career in the U.S. Army, and I think Marc was a sophomore in High School. I was still working for the CHP, and Grandma was living in Stockton.
These pictures, and others given to me by Karen last night, brought back a lot of memories that have a way of remaining dormant, unless brought back to light by photos, or conversation. We're looking forward to spending the day with Dan & Karen.

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