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Friday, September 24, 2010


There are 7 Wonders of the World, and the Grand Canyon is one of those 7. This isn't our first visit to this incredible natural beauty, and I'm quite sure, it won't be our last. We drove south from Page, AZ, on Hwy 64, and were in the park by mid day. This is one of our last stops, before going to our winter home in Lake Havasu City, AZ. The purpose of this visit isn't just to admire the gigantic hole in the ground, but to inquire about possible seasonal employment for next summer. I've had my eye on a transit bus driving job for the last couple of years, and stopped to pick up an application. So far, it meets all of the personal criteria. Employment from about May to mid September, $20+ per hour, a place in the park to park the motor home for about $150 a month, and a really neat place to spend the summer. With my experience, particularly as a Supervisor for the Transit System in Glacier National Park, I'm pretty confident that I won't have any trouble getting hired. However, that is a long ways down the road, and a lot could change between now and then.
Patty picked up an application and some information from each of the 3 park concessionaires. Xanterra, Delaware North, and the Grand Canyon Association, all operate various facilities within the park, and the potential for Patty to land a seasonal job is pretty good. If she didn't work, that would certainly be OK, but she thinks that instead of taking the summer off, like she did when I worked at Glacier National Park, that she wants to work, at least for part of the summer, or in a part time capacity. This morning, we're headed a short distance toward the south, and Williams, AZ. That's the home of the Grand Canyon Railroad, and even though we're probably not going to ride the train again, Williams is an area we want to explore a little more.

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