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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Judging by the turnout yesterday, Glen Beck's Restore America Rally, at the Lincoln Memorial, it appears to many, that there is a huge disconnect between mainstream America, and the political leadership in Washington D.C. When I say leadership, I'm not just talking about the party in power, I'm talking about the majority of our elected representatives, who just don't get it. The message at this rally was less political, and more about the restoration of traditional values. The framers of the Constitution recognized that government was not the answer to all of societies problems, but rather, the path to a more perfect society was by way of individual responsibility, family values, spiritual guidance, honesty, and honoring the basic principles that founded our great country, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Clearly, several hundred thousand Americans, gathered between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, were sending that message to our elected officials in the nations capitol. In addition to those thousands, I think it's safe to say that there are countless millions, including myself, who don't think that a "nanny state" is the answer. The path of irresponsible, out of control, government spending, started by the Republican Party, and continued by the Democratic Party, is a recipe for disaster. The idea that the cost of trillion dollar programs, such as health care reform, can be passed on to future generations, is one of, if not the most irresponsible example coming out of Washington D.C. There has to be an end to this reckless government blank check, and I hope that the rally yesterday sent a gigantic message to Congress and the President. In my mind, there is no question that the mid-term elections in a little over 2 months, will either be the turning point, or it will be business as usual. I agree with the political news media, there hasn't been a more important election in our lifetime, than the one coming this November. No matter what your political ideology, my hope is that everyone will educate themselves, and make a decision as to what they want their country to look like in the future, and then vote!

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