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Thursday, August 12, 2010


If you are anywhere in the Bend, OR area, the most dominant natural scene on the western horizon, is Mount Bachelor. Like many of the mountains in the Cascade Range, Bachelor is a volcano, and it is also one of the largest ski resorts in the United States. We drove a circular route yesterday, up to the not very active ski resort, on the northwest side of the mountain. During the summer, there is one chair lift running, and there were a few people buying tickets for the ride up the mountain, but we only entertained the idea for a brief moment. It was a little bit chilly at the 7,000 foot elevation, and we knew it would be even cooler higher up on the mountain.

On our drive back to Sunriver, the topic of owning some land in the area, once again came up. After more discussion, we reached the same conclusion of not moving forward, at least not right now, and put the subject to rest. In all of our travels, I personally have not found an area with as much appeal as this high desert/forest landscape of Central Oregon. Perhaps, somewhere down the road, there might be more motivation to take the next step, but for the near future, parking the motor home in the area will be just fine. Today, we're headed north about 35 miles to the fairgrounds in Redmond, and the Family Motor Coach Ass'n (FMCA) convention. Even though I don't have anything on my wish list for enhancing, or upgrading our house on wheels, I'm sure there will be a vendor present, that will have something that I just can't live without.

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