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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I previously posted that of all the times we have been in Astoria, OR., there has only been one occasion, where we watched a large ship pass under the bridge. Well, we hit the jackpot yesterday, when we drove over to Astoria, to have lunch with Bob & Jeanette, and to do a Costco run. As we were driving toward Astoria, we could see 2 big ships passing under the bridge, the only problem was that we were still on the north side of the river. By the time we got on the bridge, and over the ship channel, both ships were well past the bridge.

After lunch, and when we were driving back to Long Beach, we spotted this third, ocean going ship passing under the bridge, and we were able to get a few pictures, as it headed up river. As many miles wide as the Columbia River is at Astoria, there's only a very narrow channel on the Oregon side, that allows large ocean going vessels to navigate up river toward Portland. That channel is directly under the bridge, and very close to the town of Astoria.

A big thanks to Patty's brother, Michael, for updating the poster at the top of our blog, and emailing us the current edition. The picture now includes the two 4 legged children, and the current year. Today is our last day at the beach for awhile, as tomorrow we head inland for a couple of weeks. In addition to the FMCA Convention in Redmond, OR. there are a couple of other planned activities that I'll be writing about in the coming days.

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