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Saturday, August 28, 2010


We didn't exactly flip a coin, but we did decide to head east toward the Thousand Trails in Central Oregon. I canceled our reservation at Whalers Rest in Newport, and made a new one at Bend/Sunriver, and we were on the road by 10am. We drove east on Hwy 26, which was a new road for us, at least to Portland, then it became part of the route we had traveled before. We pulled into the familiar Bend/Sunriver park at about 3pm, and after unhooking the jeep, I located a 50amp site near the entrance station. With all of the trees, it can be a bit problematic finding a spot where our Winegard automatic satellite TV antenna can have a semi clear shot at the southern sky. This is our third visit to this park in the last couple of months, and we'll be here for the next 10 days. Part of our plan this time, is to explore the area around Redmond, which is about 15 miles north of Bend. Redmond (pop. 25,000) is smaller than Bend (pop. 80,000), and sits about 1,000 feet lower in elevation at approx. 3,000 feet. There's something abut this high desert area that is extremely appealing, and returning here for another stay was not a hard decision.

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