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Monday, June 7, 2010


We left our motor home yesterday at about noon, and drove north to the Lava Lands National Monument Visitors Center. It's situated right on Hwy 97, about 12 miles south of Bend. In addition to the usual information about the monument at the visitors center, there's a road where you can drive to the top of Lava Butte, an extinct volcano. In the scheme of things, it's a rather small volcano, only about 500 feet high, but at the top, you can look down 150 feet into what was the mouth of the beast. About 6,000 years ago, it erupted, sending a lava flow west and north toward Bend. When you are on top, you can still distinctly see the flow toward the Deschutes River. While at the top, we had a panoramic view of the area. The picture below, is a view of the crater, from the top of Lava Butte.

From the visitors center, we drove into Bend and did some shopping. Then it was back to the motor home in the mid afternoon, for some reading and drag racing action on the TV, from the Chicago race. I can remember working that race in 2002, when we had a Tornado touch down a few miles from the race track, and everyone ran for the block constructed bathrooms. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if there's a possibility of hurricane's or tornado's, I don't want to live there. This morning, we're off to see another extinct volcano, with a lake in the middle. Crater Lake National Park is a little over a 2 hour drive to the south, and our friends, Jim & Megan Stebbins are working their second summer at the park. The sun is shinning brightly this morning, so it should be a nice day for a drive, and a visit with our friends.

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