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Monday, March 29, 2010


I've had a couple of days to reflect on what took place in the Nevada Desert a couple of days ago, and the more I think about it, the more I'm glad we took the time to get involved. I took this photo about 2 hours before the rally started, and by the time Sarah Palin was speaking, the crowd had filled in the bottom area, and about half of the hillside where I took the picture. The Las Vegas Police estimated the crowd size at 7,000, but it sure looked like a lot more people than that. The fact that so many folks came to this remote part of Southern Nevada, speaks loudly that there is a lot of discontent with the direction that Washington D.C. is taking the country. Yea, Sarah Palin has become a popular leader of this conservative movement, and that was one of the reasons we wanted to attend, but, I think it's a lot more than just one dynamic leader. It was re-invigorating and re-enforcing to see thousands of people who feel the same way we do. My biggest argument to progressive liberalism is really very simple. I don't believe that big government is the answer to all of society's problems. The path we are headed down is what some people call the "Nanny State". I call it socialism and the desire to re-distribute wealth. One of the popular liberal phrases is "social justice". What happened to personal responsibility, good old fashioned work ethic, and spirited entrepreneurship? I do believe that we all have an obligation to provide some safety nets for those, who for whatever reason, cannot provide for themselves. However, I'm concerned that the progressives want to create more of an entitlement society, which takes the breath away from individualism principles, and the free market upon which this country was founded. The biggest argument against this progressive movement is that we simply can not afford it! I often say to myself, "what are these people thinking" when I hear of some new legislative proposal that will cost billions. Look at the states who are trying to balance their budgets, but having a hard time. At least they are cutting where they can. Don't expect to see a rest area open along the interstate in Arizona. At least they are making the tough choices necessary for reducing the state deficit. Congress continues to spend, with no end in sight. Along with more and more financial and economic experts, I'm certain the day is coming when this house of cards will come crashing down, and unfortunately, it will impact everyone, especially future generations. The federal government cannot just keep printing money, and not expect serious consequences. This Tea Party allowed me to grasp the fact that there are a lot of people who feel the same way I do, and that was a good thing.

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