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Tuesday, February 23, 2010


From where our merchandise trailer is located, we watch not only the contestants going to and from the arena, but, we also have a view of the main pedestrian pathway around the rodeo grounds. Obviously, the central theme of a rodeo is horses, livestock, cowboys and cowgirls. It's nice to see that the younger generation still thinks that cowboys are cool, and these pictures are representative of the many kids wearing western attire here at the Tucson Rodeo. When I was a kid, and we got our first television, the cowboy shows were always my favorites. I know I'm dating myself, but I remember meeting the Cisco Kid at the Fresno Fair, and couldn't wait for his TV show to come on. Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger were also at the top of my list. When my friends and I got together, our play time consisted mostly of playing Cowboys and Indians. Watching some of these kids, particularly the youngsters throwing the rope at the cow horns on the bail of hay, brings back a few memories of my childhood. Yesterday, the weather turned colder, and Patty and I were bundled up, trying to stay warm. When the rains started in the early afternoon, the small crowd left, and we closed up for the day. Starting Monday, there are 3 days of what the rodeo calls "Slack Competition", and it's nothing more than 3 days of qualifying, to narrow the contestant field. These 3 days, there isn't much of a crowd, and we typically close early anyway. Thursday is the day of the big parade, and the rodeo performances start back up, and continue through the grand finale on Sunday.

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