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Thursday, February 25, 2010


We all know that driving a motor vehicle, and talking or texting on a cell phone, are not compatible. I can recount many times when somebody did something rather stupid, while paying more attention to their cell phone conversation than to their driving. In fact, many states have now passed laws that make it illegal to do any combination of the above. Does that mean you should not be doing anything else while talking on your cell phone? I think not, but I kind of get a kick out of watching all of these cowboys riding their horses, and talking on their cell phones. It's a bit ironic that the horse represents the older method of transportation, and the cell phone is representative of the technology explosion that has been going on for several decades. Today starts the first of 4 days of rodeo, and this mornings huge, non motorized parade. The parade route has been shortened due to a lack of available police personnel. Just like most municipalities across the U.S., the cutbacks due to the recession are affecting even the most basic of government services. I could get on my soapbox, but I'll save that for another time.

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