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Saturday, February 18, 2012


The calm before the storm.

It was about mid afternoon yesterday, when we completed all of the necessary set up, before we open for business this morning. The Tucson Rodeo begins this weekend with performances on Saturday and Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday are known as slack days. With hundreds of contestants in the timed events, these slack days are kind of like an elimination tournament, to see who comes back for the final performances next weekend. The rodeo finishes up with performances on Thursday through Sunday of next week. So, for the next 9 days, we'll be selling the official hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other assorted Tucson Rodeo merchandise.

We met Chandra, Marc, and Laila at Sweet Tomato for dinner, and after the meal, Grandpa and Laila were goofing around with her little bunny. She was convinced that with my sunglasses, her bunny named Tulip, suddenly was transformed into the "cool bunny", and we had fun playing this make believe game.

After filing ourselves with mega salads, and soups (I had a bowl of chili with cornbread), we said adios, with several plans to get together during our coming work week. One of the plans is for Laila to stay overnight with us on one of the slack days, when Chandra flies to CA in order to take care of some business with her parents estate. Now, if the rain will just stay away for the next week, Patty and I will be happy campers!

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