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Monday, February 20, 2012


When I turned on the laptop this morning, it would not boot up, just a blank screen. I tried everything, and still nothing. Later in the morning, I called a computer repair company in Lake Havasu City that we've done business with, and the fellow on the phone was helpful, but after trying a couple of things, still a blank screen. His phone diagnosis was a possible failed hard drive, or failed motherboard. Rats! It's not like me to be too dependent on anything, or anybody, but come on, no computer. I have to admit, I'm more reliant on this magical gizmo with a keyboard, than I ever thought possible. I made a frantic phone call to my son around the lunch hour, asking some advice on where I should look for a new computer, and what kind I should buy. Marc said I'll be over to take a look at it before you do anything else. Within 10 minutes after arrival, he had the back of the computer off, the hard drive out and replaced with an old one, and the thing fired right up. Saved by the kid! Thanks Marc. Wohooo, I don't have to go computer shopping this afternoon. I do think however, a new laptop is in the near future, since this one is about 6 years old, and becoming more and more problematic.

A view of the trailer from the east grandstands, before the crowd started to arrive.

Some of the stock pens behind the grandstands.

More stock pens.

The rodeo arena with some of the grandstands that seat about 11,000.

After Marc fixed the laptop, I bought him lunch, and we had a quick visit before he headed back to work. Tomorrow, we will have our Granddaughter Laila for a sleepover, and while I'm keeping the trailer doors open, I suspect Wednesday will be a Grandma/Laila day. Today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, there is rodeo competition in the timed events, but no performances, and the public crowds are very small. Thursday, the big parade kicks off the day, and 4 days of rodeo through the weekend.

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