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Sunday, February 12, 2012


Jeanette's & Patty's birthday are just one day apart.

Yesterday afternoon, Bob & Diana Rush picked us up at the house, and we drove over to Bob & Jeanette Fulton's for some cake & ice cream. Eat dessert first, right? Bob & Jeanette's daughter Iris was there, along with Ron & Judy Ellstrom from Kingman. We had a nice visit with our friends, and of course, we solved all of the country's problems. Sometimes it's nice to chat with folks who still believe in the fundamental principles that founded this great country.

Sitting out on Bob & Jeanette's patio, with their new sun & wind screens was a pleasant way to spend a few afternoon hours. The weather has already started what looks like a warming trend, with temperatures into the upper 70's. Not sure if it will last, but we're back into that period of time where we don't have to run the house heater, and it's too early for the A/C.

Homemade birthday cake, strawberries, and ice cream - yummy!

Earlier in the day, Patty picked up Diana, and they spent several hours at Winterfest in the downtown area of the city. This is one of many annual events where the city closes Main St. (McCulloch Blvd.) to vehicular traffic for whatever the activity happens to be. Winterfest is kind of like a giant arts & crafts festival, with hundreds of vendors setting up their booths in the middle of the street. In addition to the vendors, there's live music, food, and other attractions. This is a huge event, that attracts many thousands of people, and one that Patty looks forward to every year. Not big on my list, and with her buddy Diana in town for the winter, I gained a reprieve from attending. Thanks Diana!

Today, I'm making the long drive to Stockton, CA, to attend the funeral of my Aunt Martha. It will be the very quickest of trips, with the return leg tomorrow right after the service. Day after tomorrow, we have to be in Tucson to work the big rodeo for 9 days. No blog posts for the next day or two, but will pick up again when we leave for, or get to Tucson.

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