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Monday, December 12, 2011


From Left to right, Chandra, Patty, Laila, Marc, Mike, and Amy

Internet time on the ship is purchased, and it' reallllllly slooooow. It took almost 1/2 hour to load these pictures, so there won't be a lot of narrative. Maybe that's a good thing!

Standing in line before getting on the ship

The Limo picked us up at the hotel, and took us to the ship where we went through the embarkation process, before actually getting onboard the ship. The usual stuff, like metal detectors, passport checks, etc. Once onboard, we found our cabins, which are all balcony rooms adjacent to each other.
Yahoo, we're all on board the ship!

Our sister ship, the Valor sails past us on the way out to open sea.

Grandpa with his favorite young lady before we headed down to the dining room for dinner.

When we awakened this morning, we were far out to sea, somewhere between Key West, and Havana. This is a full day at sea, and tomorrow we'll be in our first port which is the island of Cozumel, Mexico. So far, can't get much better!

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