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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Laila, Gracie, & Grandma spending part of the morning all cozy in the recliner.

Our Granddaughter Laila, spent the night with us in the motor home, and yesterday, when we were all up and moving, she found a spot in the recliner with Grandma. Gracie also decided that was a good place to be, so when she jumped into Patty's lap, it created a "Kodak moment". All 3 stayed in the recliner while Laila watched some cartoons, Grandma read her Kindle, and Gracie decided she would grace the two with her presence.

Meanwhile, behind the recliner, Grandpa worked on the blog, and did some other computer stuff. Yesterday was the 2nd day of the 12-5 Horse Camp, so we did the lazy thing in the morning, which included Laila's favorite breakfast of pancakes, with a piece of bacon. Around 11am, we left on the 20 mile drive to the ranch, arriving a little before noon.

Three lazy bums together in the recliner.

After dropping Laila at the camp, we decided to spend the afternoon doing some shopping in stores that we don't have in Lake Havasu. Lunch was the first order of business however, and we just happened to drive by a Five Guys Burgers. For a year or so, I've been hearing from friends that Five Guys has the best burgers, some even saying that they are better than IN N OUT. Well, here was the perfect opportunity to check these guys out for the first time, so in we went.

As we walked in the door, Patty remarked that I had on one of my IN N OUT T-shirts, and that I was suddenly the competition in enemy territory. Once we were inside this very crowded burger joint, I began to notice that a lot of folks were staring at me. When we were sitting down, a lady came up to us and said "do you know you have an IN N OUT shirt on"? I didn't say anything, and Patty politely said "yes, he knows that". What was next? People yelling at me, or perhaps even worse - a flying chair at this miscreant who had the audacity to wear the competition's shirt behind enemy lines!

While we ate, we both kept an eye out for any Five Guys radicals, who might have chosen to make an example out of an IN N OUT guy. We were able to eat our burgers without any insults, or french fries being thrown at us, but it was touch and go there for awhile. Seriously, the burgers were excellent, and this burger connoisseur now has a second best behind the undisputed king - IN N OUT. I'm sorry Wendy, you're burgers are now relegated to third place.

Here I am in Five Guys Burgers, with my IN N OUT shirt in plain sight. Notice the worried look on my face, as the hostility from the crowd is noticeable.

We escaped from Five Guys with our arms & limbs intact, and the rest of the afternoon was tension free. We picked up Laila at 5, and when we took her home, we discovered that Chandra was sick with a head cold. I guess better now, than a few days ago on the cruise. Marc took Laila & us out to dinner, and we brought back a take out for Chandra. We said our good byes, and this morning, we'll be driving back to Lake Havasu. Thanks kids for a wonderful Christmas Holiday!

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