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Friday, December 9, 2011


Since we'll be heading to the Airport tomorrow morning at O dark thirty, this post is for tomorrow. We left Lake Havasu a little after 9 am, driving east on I40 to Kingman, then north on Hwy 93 into Vegas. After lunch at Applebees, we drove over to the Las Vegas Convention Center, and checked in with our friends Jim & Megan, and Dave & Louise who were hard at it selling the NFR Official Merchandise. I'll miss the paycheck, but I sure don't miss working at this event. We did it for 9 years, that was enough.

This is the booth where we worked last year.

Louise is behind the counter, helping a customer.

After quickly saying hi to our buddies, we wandered through the exhibit hall, checking out all of the neat stuff. Most everything offered for sale is western living related, and includes but is not limited to - art, furniture, tack, apparel, jewelry, and a whole bunch more. Patty made the comment that if we wanted to get rid of our furniture, and spend a bazillion dollars on western style furnishings, this would be the place to accomplish that. Are you reading this Nancy? Some of this stuff would look pretty darn good in the Kastle!

Later this evening, we're meeting Jim/Megan, Dave/Louise, and Len/Ellie for dinner, and a visit. Except for Jim & Megan, who came down to our house for a BBQ a couple of weeks ago, we haven't seen the other folks in several months. Tomorrow morning, we have the airport to deal with, and an arrival in Florida around 7 pm. We're both excited to see the kids and our Granddaughter, then get on the BIG Boat.

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