When a bunch of folks get together, setting up their portable stores, or displaying their household junk in parking lots, who in the heck came up with the word "flea market"? Was it because somebody actually tried to sell some fleas, or was it because the crowds that were scurrying from vendor to vendor resembled a bunch of fleas on an animal? No one seems to know the exact origin of the term flea market, not even the all knowing Internet resource - Wikipedia.
Starting about October, the Lake Havasu City Sunday Flea Market kicks off, and runs every week for the entire winter. For a one day flea market/swap meet, it's a pretty big one, and more often than not, Patty and I usually take a Sunday morning stroll through the rows of vendors. We usually don't buy anything, but yesterday, we both had to have a pair of bifocal sunglasses, that have magnified readers as one part of the dual lens. Now, we have two more pair of glasses to go with the bizillion other pairs that we already have.

When we finished our weekly tour, it was a short drive over to IN N OUT for my more than once weekly double, double. Patty is so disciplined, that she usually just watches me eat my burger, and occasionally, she may nibble on a french fry.

For those that don't know, IN N OUT has a secret menu, with several variations to their burgers and fries. For years, I've been watching what are called "Animal Fries", being served to customers who know the secret menu. And, for years, I've been saying that I've got to give them a try. Well, yesterday was that day, and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Fresh cut potatoes, topped with cheese, grilled onions, and IN N OUT's thousand island dressing, is what is pictured below. Patty had more than her usual nibble, and I finished the rest. I'm sure the naysayers will probably swear that this culinary delight is an artery clogging, cholesteral building, instant heart attack, and they're probably right. But boy, it sure was good! This morning, I need to run an extra mile.
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