A winter storm moved through our area yesterday, with colder temperatures, wind and a little rain. It looked like the only option for activities, would be those that had an indoor environment. The morning started with Grandpa's first attempt at a Mickey Mouse Pancake, which turned out pretty good. Even though Miss Laila is a notoriously slow eater, and her attention was mostly directed to the morning cartoons, she managed to eat all of poor Mickey, and one slice of bacon. Topped off with some chocolate milk, she was ready for the next challenge.

While Grandpa ran a couple of errands, Grandma and Laila decided to make some "New Years Cookies". When I returned, I took a couple of pictures of the mostly finished project.

When you don't spend every day around your 5 year old Grand Daughter, you tend to forget how fast they learn everything, from language to physical skills. Laila is very much at the age where she wants to do most everything on her own. She's not afraid to ask for help, but that doesn't happen as much as it did only a short time ago. When the cookie project was finished, Grandpa announced there was a big surprise ahead. All we had to do was take a short ride in the Jeep to find out what this big surprise was all about.

Bubba Jump is a large indoor facility with 4 large, inflatable jumping, & sliding contraptions. With her shoes quickly taken off, Laila bounced, and slid for the next solid hour. Two of the inflatables, had slides, and that seemed to be where the kids spent most of their time. I took lots of pictures, but didn't have the camera set on the right setting, so the pictures turned out a little blurry. By the time her hour was up, some, but not all of that 5 year old energy had been burned up, and it was time to head back to the house. We finished the day watching a couple of movies, and I think Laila slept pretty well last night.

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