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Saturday, December 25, 2010


In today's very complicated world, sometimes the best of times are the very simple pleasures of life. Spending yesterday afternoon with our Granddaughter Laila, was one of those times. The world of a 5 year old is about as uncomplicated as it gets, especially when viewed through the eyes of a couple of 60+ year old Grand Parents. Marc had some last minute Christmas shopping to attend to, so, after Grandpa fixed a mega breakfast, including Laila's favorite - Pancakes, we started the day with a bike ride around the fairgrounds here in Tucson.

The Pima County Fairgrounds are expansive, so there were several stops, where some exploring just had to be done. This large rock contained pockets of crystal quartz, and turquoise, and with Grandpas help, a few samples were added to the bag of treasures. Not too long after we left the motor home, Laila decided that she could ride her bike, and hold onto Sami's leash at the same time. She soon discovered that if she placed the leash handle over her handlebars, there were times when Sami would pull her, and she didn't have to peddle as much.

This tactic lasted until Sami got tired, and decided she didn't want to play like a sled dog anymore. But, it was great fun while it lasted. When we got back to the motor home, Laila gave Sam a treat for all of her hard work, and we took off for the nearest playground. Not too far from her house, we stopped at a city park with a playground that Laila was familiar with.

The last part of our afternoon was a late picnic lunch at a second park playground, where we watched Laila enjoying the circular slide, over and over again. It was only about a year ago, when at a playground in Lake Havasu, she was a bit timid about tackling a large slide. What a difference a year makes, as there was not the least bit of fear, as she slid frontwards, backwards, and even climbed back up the twisting ramp.

Today, being Christmas day, is obviously one of the most anticipated days in the life of a 5 year old. We'll be returning to Marc, Chandra, and Laila's later in the day, and share in the joy of Christmas with all of them. Chandra was flying home late yesterday from CA, where she spent several days with her mom Eloise, who is in the hospital. She was due to land in Tucson about midnight, so it's doubtful that a lot of sleep was to be had, especially with Miss Laila's very likely early wake up call, to see what Santa left under the Christmas Tree.

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