While much of the country is in a deep freeze, (20 degrees in Jacksonville, Florida), the weather here is almost perfect! Yesterday morning, I took the boat to one of the many marine service facilities here in Lake Havasu City, and had a complete annual service done to the motor and out drive. The previous owner said he had put about 50 hours on the boat over the last 2 years, and had never changed the fluids, so I felt better knowing that we were starting fresh with the maintenance. We picked up the boat at about 2pm, and put her in the water for the first time at the Windsor State Beach launch ramp.

A slight wind was blowing from the south, but there were parts of the lake that were glass smooth. When I was much younger, and an avid water skier, these were the conditions that you dreamed about. With most of the lake to ourselves, we headed toward the dam, turning around at Black Meadow Marina. Everything worked flawlessly, and I was pleased with our new toy. Even though Patty put on her sweatshirt when we started cruising the lake at about 30 mph, I was perfectly comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt, with the temperature in the mid 70's.

After a couple of hours on the water, we cruised through the bridgewater channel, and under the London Bridge. Again, on a Tuesday afternoon in mid December, except for a couple of other boats, the channel was almost exclusively ours. It was only a few months ago when we visited the channel, and all of the craziness that goes on during spring break. That's when I started to get the bug for another boat, and had I found the right one before we left for the summer, it probably would have been in the garage when we returned from our travels in the Pacific Northwest. Taking the boat out of the water was a little disjointed, as we re-learned the art of replacing the craft on the trailer. All in all, it was an enjoyable afternoon, as we played with our new to us boat, taking it across the waters of Lake Havasu, on it's maiden voyage.

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