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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


With the Christmas Holiday just a few days away, our plans have changed several times. Originally, Marc, Chandra, and Laila were coming here for a stop on their way to CA., a trip to spend Christmas with Chandra's Mom and family. Due to Chandra's Mom Eloise being in the hospital, that trip was scrubbed, and instead, Chandra flew to Monterey. We will be taking the motor home to Tucson tomorrow, and like the past few years, will spend Christmas there. The plan is for Chandra to fly back to Tucson on the 24th, spending Christmas with us and her family. Hopefully, that all goes according to the plan.

With the recent passing of Chandra's Dad Joe, and Eloise's ongoing medical issues, it has been a tough time for everyone. We hope and pray that Eloise's condition improves, and she is able to return home very soon.

Since we have had the Christmas Tree up for awhile, it seemed like a shame to not take a picture of our kids in front of the tree. As you can see, Sami was a little more cooperative than Gracie. For some strange reason, cats just don't seem to understand the word SIT or STAY! At least, I got her in the photo, just before she walked out of the frame.

Our weather has changed for the worse the past few days. It's still relatively warm (60's), but all of the wet weather and flooding in CA is also having an effect on Western AZ. We've had a few rain showers, and the wind has picked up this morning. Definitely not what you would call ideal boating weather. With any luck, the wind will die down tomorrow, as we make the 300 mile drive to Tucson.

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