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Saturday, May 15, 2010


Yesterday, was a day of exploration at the Desert Museum, a place that Patty and I have visited twice before. This was Laila's first experience, and despite a relative short attention span, we were quite surprised at her interest in many of the exhibits that we didn't think she would much care for. The Desert Museum is a world renowned example of showcasing the desert environment, with emphasis on those animals that exist in this dry habitat. Even though it was only in the mid 80's, unfortunately, during the middle of the day, many of the animals were not very active. In addition to the desert animals, many of the other exhibits are kid friendly, like the desert cave, that Laila and Grandpa explored in the semi-darkness. It was a fun day, that served one purpose very well. The energy of a 4 1/2 year old is at times, unlimited. The several hours of walking through the desert museum took some of that energy, and despite no afternoon nap, bedtime last night was uneventful. Another activity that used up some of that energy was 3 long bicycle rides around the fairgrounds. In just one day, Laila has mastered the art of getting the bike going on her own, and the use of the pedal brake. Despite a couple of close calls, there haven't been any tip overs, and we're keeping our fingers crossed. As the speed increases, she hasn't quite learned where the danger zone is regarding speed and turns. The training wheels only work to a certain point, and it probably will take a small crash for her to learn how far she can push the envelope. We're keeping our fingers crossed, along with the band aid and neosporin close by.

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