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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The proper name of this small border town is Los Algodones, but most everyone shortens the name to Algodones. About 8 miles west of Yuma, AZ, an exit off Interstate 8 takes you about one mile south to the border crossing into Algodones. The vast majority of folks park in the huge parking lot adjacent to the border, and make the short walk into Mexico. When you leave, a $5 fee is charged by the Quechan Indian Tribe. We've been coming to Algodones for many years, and yesterday, I spent several hours taking care of dental issues while Patty got 2 pair of glasses. She had purchased one set of frames at Wal-Mart for $9, and already had the second pair in an old prescription pair of sunglasses. Her exam, and bifocal lenses in both pair of frames came to $89. When I finished at the dentist around 2pm, we picked up her new glasses (yes, that's same day, out the door service), and walked back across the border. Well, not exactly. Even though U.S. Customs has opened a new building, replacing the old single wide trailer, it sometimes still requires a wait in line. We waited approx. 30 minutes before showing our passports, and then walked back to the car. Last year, the wait could be as long as a couple of hours. I have one more visit scheduled with my Mexican Dentist, Carmen Ovando. It takes just a couple of days for the crowns to be made, but this is the busy time of year, and the earliest that Carmen could get me back in, is this coming Friday. So, we have 3 days to relax, and then, when we're finished in Algodones on Friday, it's back to Quartzsite for a week or so.

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