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Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yesterday, we drove the 160 miles from Lake Havasu, to Buckeye, and met Marc, for the transfer of our Granddaughter. As many situations are, it was bittersweet saying goodbye to a very special little girl, who brightened our life for a full week. On the other hand, this morning is a return to our normal routine, and the quietness is almost deafening. A 4 year old is at the age where communication isn't much of a problem any longer but, reasoning with a 4 year old, well, that's another story altogether. Even though it wasn't a frequent event, by the end of the week, Patty was a master at turning "No", or "I don't want to" into something else entirely. Grandpa was still having a little trouble, but it's kind of surprising how quickly parenting skills have a way of not ever disappearing completely. We joked with Marc that it was kind of like dejavu all over again. With only a couple of small bumps in the road, we had a great week, and look forward to the next visit, which should be around Christmas. Tomorrow, we point the motor home north for a quick trip to CA for our annual medical checkups, and a teeth cleaning for the super spoiled Beagle.

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