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Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Yesterday was the end of a week that we have had Laila with us at our house in Lake Havasu. Our Grand Daughter just turned 4 in October, and is at the age where you can explore many different things through conversation. There isn't a lot that she doesn't understand, and it's a joy to engage her mind, that often surprises us with insightful, and sometimes comical analysis of whatever the subject happens to be. Sami, our 12 year old Beagle, has been a trooper during this past week. She has nothing but patience with Laila's attempts to make her a play partner, and never growls or acts aggressive. They are often inseparable, with Laila taking on the role of caretaker whenever it's breakfast, dinner, or treat time. This morning, we will be driving back to Buckeye, west of Phoenix, where Grandma and Grandpa will say goodbye, and Laila will go back to Tucson with Mom and Dad. It's been a wonderful week with our Grand Daughter, that has provided us, and hopefully her, with some great memories. Today is Veterans Day, and there is a blog by Nick Russell, that says it all -

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