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Sunday, March 2, 2014


Except for a coat of paint to match the garage, and a darker trim color, the tractor port is finished.  I put up the last 20 boards yesterday, just before the rain started to fall.

The next order of business was a quick trip over to the fairgrounds, where a gun show was taking place this weekend.  A few years ago, you didn't hear, or see people waiting in line to buy ammo.  That's not the case today!  The demand for guns and ammunition hasn't subsided, and I suspect it won't, until the political assault on the 2nd amendment is defeated.  Unless, or until the voters wake up, and get rid of the politicians who think they know what's best for everybody, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Marc and I are making last minute preparations for this weeks trip back to Georgia, for a short visit with his  brother Mike, and wife Amy.  As I mentioned a week or so ago, Mike is headed back to Afghanistan for the 3rd time next month.  His role as a civilian intelligence supervisor, is much the same as what his job was before retiring from the Army as a Warrant Officer.  With the current administrations recently announced cuts to the military budget, I can't help but think that Washington's priorities are beyond screwed up!  Sure, there's a lot of waste in all of the federal budget, and it should be trimmed.  But, cutting the military to pre-WWII numbers in this dangerous world, while throwing taxpayer money away on so many other wasteful programs like Solyndra, is just plain incompetent.  Like Mike Huckabee so aptly suggested yesterday, "why not cut Air Force One, instead of an Air Force fighter squadron"?


  1. We spend more for defense than the rest of the world combined.

  2. Not true. According to Wikipedia, and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the latest figures for 2012, show that the U.S. defense budget comprised 39% of the world's military spending. In 2012, we spent 4.4% of our G.D.P., the exact same figure as Russia.

  3. We should bring all of our troops and equipment home from around the world NOW. Get out of NATO, the UN and the Geneva Convention. Stop all Foreign Aid, deport all of those here illegally, deport all of the Muslims and secure our borders. And most important is to take care of our soldiers and our Veterans.

  4. Dan;
    I say you are right. Congrats on 34 years. When the people of the United States get their heads out it will be too late. Be glad you are in Arizona, before Gov. Moonbeam aka Jerry Brown and all the other do gooders (to numerous to name) finish the political assault on the 2nd amendment !
    Also I have to agree with Rex.somewhat but as long as the clowns that are in office are still in office it will never happen.

  5. The ten top nations on defense spending.
    USA $600B
    Next nine spend a total of $515 B
    Do we really need to speed more for defense than the next 9 in total spending?
