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Wednesday, March 5, 2014


It wasn't much after 7am, when the big move began.  As I mentioned previously, part of the training process for new drivers at La Mesa RV, is spending the first week or so with another driver.  I spent yesterday with Ken, learning how to inspect, and move motor homes out to the fairgrounds, the location of  La Mesa's RV show this weekend.  Two drivers were assigned to vans, the method of transporting drivers back to the dealership. 

Except for a couple of breaks, we kept up this round robin, starting first with the Class C motor homes, and finishing the day with the moving of several Class A gas motor homes.  I'm not sure how many rigs got moved, but it was probably somewhere in the neighborhood of about 60.  We'll continue this process today, with the show starting tomorrow.  When La Mesa last did an event at the Pima County Fairgrounds, they sold 30 something rigs, so it seems as if the logistics of this big move of inventory is well worth their effort. 

Hey Nick and Terry.  While waiting for the van to take us back to the dealership, I saw you guys pull into the fairgrounds, but didn't have time to walk over and say hi.  Tell your idiot neighbor that the world doesn't revolve around just him! 

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