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Friday, March 7, 2014


  We lucked out on the Phoenix to D.C. flight, sitting all together.

I picked up Marc, and Laila yesterday morning, for an early morning, 7am flight from Tucson to Phoenix.  Flying standby is always an iffy thing, but Marc had previously checked the passenger lists, and everything looked pretty good.  We got on a U.S. Air flight from Phoenix to Washington D.C., where we caught another U.S. Air flight down to Augusta, GA.

 Missing a few days of school, Laila did some homework on the long flight.

 Landing at the nations capitol.

Mike was waiting to pick us up at the Augusta airport, after darkness had already set in.  We went from a bright sunny sky in Tucson, to a cold, rainy evening in Augusta, but it was great to see Mike, despite the 35 degree temperature.   When we got  back to the house, big hugs were shared with Mikes wife Amy, where we scarfed down some pizza, and visited late into the evening. 
The Washington Monument from our aircraft, as it taxied into the terminal.

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