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Saturday, February 26, 2011


Believe it or not, out of the almost 2,000 pictures I've taken since starting the blog 2 years ago, I think this is the first time I've turned the camera around on ourselves. A longer arm might help, but in the absence of a 3rd party, this self portrait turned out OK.

We're getting near the end of the 9 day Tucson Rodeo, and as much as we both enjoy working this event, I'm ready for it to be over. During the years, we've become acquainted with so many people here at the rodeo, that we almost feel like part of the family. When we learned a few months ago, that MainGate had decided to continue the relationship with Tucson, despite the lack of National Finals Rodeo (NFR) merchandise, it not only pleased us, but also the management of the Tucson Rodeo. Apparently, they have tried in the past to do their own official merchandise, but it isn't something they want to do. The company that won the NFR contract, has one or more mobile merchandise trailers that travel to various rodeos around the country. The branding of that merchandise is almost exclusively the P.R.C.A. (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association) brand, and very little of the specific rodeo where they are selling. I couldn't agree more with the folks here at the Tucson Rodeo, that the people who attend these rodeos, want the name and year of the rodeo, not the generic PRCA brand on the merchandise. MainGate did a nice job with this years merchandise, expanding the selection in men's, women's, and youth apparel.

I took this photo during yesterday's opening ceremonies while our National Anthem was playing. Almost without exception, everyone stops, removes their hats, and pays respect to our great nation.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that the good weather continues, but the forecast is for increased wind, and much colder starting tonight, with some rain tomorrow. Sales have been pretty good, but cold, windy, rainy weather will most certainly have an adverse affect.

1 comment:

  1. You two look so cute. Thanks for turning the camera around. Nice picture for the Golden Spike Directory.
