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Saturday, August 22, 2009


Back in 2002, our race friends introduced us to the Shady Maple Smorgasbord in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, prior to the N.H.R.A. Drag Race in Reading, PA. When we returned to this race in 2003, the Shady Maple was well entrenched on our radar screen, and we once again dined at this huge Amish eating establishment. How huge is it you say? Since we were last there in 2003, they have expanded the building, and it now seats up to 2,200 people at a time. After getting settled in at the Thousand Trails near Hershey, PA, we drove the approx. 25 miles to the Shady Maple, and dined on the best Amish prepared food that I have been dreaming about for 6 years! Naturally, one tends to over eat at buffets, especially when the food is soooooooo good. We ate at about 1pm, and that was enough for the rest of the day. I'm sure there will be another visit or two during the 2 weeks that we will be parked here. Tomorrow, we're driving over to Maple Grove Raceway, and will get to visit with some old friends during the N.H.R.A. Reading race.

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