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Wednesday, August 7, 2013


What do the two have in common?  Well, on the surface, probably not very much.  But, when you've been out numbered for months by the quilt sisters, who spend every spare minute in woman stores, then these two items take on an appropriate gender narrative.   Among other things, guns & crabs represent hunting and fishing.  Even though I'm not an active participant in either, I think most folks would agree, that hunting & fishing is more of a "guy" thing.  Yesterday, while the world record seeking girls were driving back south to a Florence quilt store, I headed to the local Fred Meyer Store for a visual taste of some male testosterone.

Even though I'm not looking to purchase a firearm, just seeing all of those guns, instead of pink fabrics, gave me a restored sense of hope.  When I left Freddie's, I had a positive feeling, that I wasn't forever destined to be caught up in downward spiral of being dragged into every woman store in the northwest.

On the way back to Whalers Rest, I stopped at our favorite fish store, and purchased a single, freshly cooked, intact crab.  At $12.95 a lb. the price is a whole lot better than the $34.95 a lb. price for fresh crab meat.  This was sort of an experiment to see if there's a cost benefit to buying a whole crab, or paying more for just the crab meat.  You would think that cracking your own crab would be cheaper.
Wrong............I paid $26.45 for the slightly larger than 2 lb. crustacean.  When I finished cleaning every last bit of crab meat from the critter, I ended up with just a little over 1/2 lb. of crab meat.  If I had purchased the same amount of already cracked crab meat, it would have cost about $20.  The moral to this story is that bargains aren't always what they appear to be.

It was a good day to be a guy, and the reward was fresh crab for lunch.  The clincher was that I didn't see even one piece of pink fabric.

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