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Saturday, May 14, 2011


When we're home, I usually write posts for the blog about 4-5 times a week. When we travel, I normally update the blog every day. Yesterday, was not one of those days of having nothing to write about. Google was having some sort of problem, and all of the bloggers out there who tried to log on to their respective blogs yesterday morning, were denied access. In fact, my last blog entry entitled The Gypsy Journal, disappeared for awhile. I see that it's back this morning. I gave up around 7am, and went on to other things.

I recorded the ambient temperature yesterday afternoon, and when it reached triple digits, it was a reminder that it's time to get the heck out of Dodge! That magic number of 100 degrees is usually reached about this time of year here in Lake Havasu, with numbers much higher to come. This is the beginning of about 4-5 months of almost constant +100 degree days. Yea, I know, it's a dry heat, but when it gets over 100, it's still darn hot!

I'll be moving the motor home out of it's house tomorrow, and putting the boat, trailers and some other stuff in the shade for the summer. On Monday morning, we'll make the 230 mile drive to the Grand Canyon, and we'll have about a week to get settled before reporting to work. I go through a week of orientation and training starting on the 23rd, and then will settle into a 40 hour week of driving one of the free shuttle buses at the South Rim. I think Patty starts her job at the village gift shop/grocery store at about the same time.

Back to the frequency of blog posts. I doubt if there will be an opportunity to write about something new every day, once we start working. The bigger question is how will our Sprint wireless computer card work? When we were there on the 2nd, our cell phone was on roaming, and the signal wasn't that strong. The roaming part isn't necessarily a computer access problem, it just usually means that the connection is much slower. We'll have to wait for the answer to this question. I do know that my dependence on Internet access is almost in the addictive category, and if our Sprint card does not work, I'll most certainly come up with another way to log on.

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