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Friday, November 26, 2010


Our Thanksgiving Day was spent in Kingman, AZ. at Ron & Judy Ellstrom's home. We picked up Bob & Jeanette around noon, and drove the 60 or so miles to Kingman. Jim & Megan drove down from Las Vegas, Judy's son Sean was visiting from Vacaville, CA. and Pam & Hal drove to Kingman from Page, AZ. Judy & Ron prepared a delicious turkey, with all of the traditional side dishes, and everyone else brought something, so there was enough food to feed a small army. After a second helping and dessert, I was more than stuffed. I was totally ready for a meal like that, after a little over 2 weeks of walking/jogging/bicycling on the 3.6 mile island path. The combination of exercise, and no Ben & Jerry's ice cream (that's 0), has resulted in some lost weight, but as they say, "everything comes with a price". Even if I gained it all back yesterday, it was soooooooo worth it. What a great meal! Thanks Ron & Judy for having all of us at your home.
Today, we get the motor home packed up and ready for our 2 weeks in Las Vegas, while we work the National Finals Rodeo. It's been parked under the shade cover for the last 2 months, and this morning, I'll move it down next to the house, so it will be easier to load everything, from clothes to food. The weather has cooled considerably during the last week, with our night time temperatures dipping into the upper 30's the last couple of nights. I'm holding out on the switch from shorts to long pants, particularly with full sunny days, and reasonable daytime temperatures.

Yesterday morning, we got a telephone call from Laila, wishing us a happy Thanksgiving. Patty and I agreed, our day couldn't get any better after we finished a 10-15 minute conversation with our 5 year old Grand Daughter. It will be really nice having her, Marc & Chandra at our house for a few days during the Holidays.

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