There's a popular phrase that goes something like - "The best 2 days in a boat owners life is the day it's bought, and the day it's sold". Well, day before yesterday, I experienced the first part of that saying. Somewhere down the road, I'm sure the second part will also be appropriate. We purchased a used, Sea Ray 21' Sun Deck boat from a private party in Kingman, and except for a few things, the boat is in excellent shape. The last boat we had was also a Sea Ray, and they are very well built boats, that hold their value better than most brands. Last spring, before we left for the summer, I got the bug to get another boat, but never found one that sparked enough interest to pull the trigger. I put the full cover on yesterday, as there was a slight chance of showers last night.

One of the things I started working to fix, is the restoration of the oxidized paint on the trailer. As the picture below shows, the before and after are in stark contrast to each other. It will take some time to do the entire trailer, and I may have to wait to finish some areas, at the point where the boat is off the trailer and in the lake. As with any new (to us) toy, I've been busy tweaking this and that, and before I knew it, yesterday had passed by in a blur. I'll post some more pictures in the next day or two, after I take the cover off.
Even with the excitement of the boat, I still managed to get down to the island yesterday morning, and despite the wind, did a lap combining a walk and a few jogs. In the last 10 days, I've walked/jogged 21.6 miles, and bicycled 36 miles. The wind is blowing again this morning, so the bike will probably stay in the garage.
Patty is still busy with Christmas decorations, and it seems kind of strange listening to Christmas songs while still running around in shorts and a t-shirt.
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